I’m more of a cooker than a baker, but this recipe is easy peasy with only a few ingredients all pickable uppable in a regular supermarket. This bread is wheat free, low in fat, high in fibre and humminess and if you don’t like the texture of porridge but want the goodness of it this is a great breakfast solution.
Ingredients for One Loaf:
175g porridge / oatmeal
175g pinhead oatmeal
120g oatbran
600ml buttermilk
1.5 teaspsoon bread soda
1 teaspsoon salt
Chuck everything into a bowl and mix it up, let it sit for half an hour while you preheat the oven. Use non-stick greaseproof paper / parchment (turns out greaseproof paper isn’t non stick as I had thought!) to line your 900g/2lb loaf tin. Bake at 180 degrees c for 1.5 hours. To make it worth you’re while, given the baking time, it’s a good idea make two loaves of bread at the same time. Keep an eye on it for the last half hour, to test stick a skewer or sharp knife and if it comes out without any sticky bits it’s done. Leave the bread to cool for a bit before removing it from the tin and then place onto a wire tray, remove the paper carefully and leave it to further cool.
This bread keeps really well, but also a nice one to slice up and keep in the freezer, if you can stop yourself from devouring it all at once!