I thought I was suffering from hormone-related brain fogginess (hormones are pretty much always my first stop when I’m looking for something to blame), but I have spoken to some friends, both female and male and they agreed that their focus had also taken a swan dive, before we got distracted and started talking about something else.
At the beginning of January, I felt like I was going gangbusters, powering through and getting things done. Cut to the last couple of weeks and it’s like somebody turned the ‘focus’ tap off and there’s just an occasional lonely drip. The only time I’m really focused is when I’m teaching a class (had to get that in there) and of course that’s not counting when I say ‘knee’ instead of ‘elbow’ or lose count of repetitions – that’s all normal.
Now clearly I’m not a psychologist and to be honest I haven’t even googled this, but my take on it is as we are constantly in more or less the same routine and at this stage words like ‘boring’ and ‘mundane’ are completely applicable, there’s no chance to get away, properly re-boot and come back feeling refreshed and ready to pounce. It's like when your computer starts to slow down / hum and it just needs maybe to be shut down for the night or even just a case of 'have you tried turning it on and off again?' and bingo it's back up and running again.
Anyone else out there been feeling that lack of focus?
I'm testing out a few ways to re-boot under lockdown, I'll report back to you with my findings!